the FAQ

the FAQ

what is this "thing" you're building?

we're creating a space where the ai industry and everyday people can connec

think of it as a bridge between the complex world of ai and the human experience. we want to make ai relatable, engaging, and maybe even a little funny.

why are you doing thing?

the ai world can feel intimidating and confusing. we want to break down those barriers and show the human side of ai. we believe everyone should be part 

of the conversation about ai, not just the experts.

how do you plan to make money?

right now, we're focused on building a community and creating awesome content with events down the road, we might explore things like a tech platform.

but our main goal is to create something meaningful and impactful, not just 

chase profits.

how do you operate?

we're a small team with big dreams, based off of the original Thing

we believe in open collaboration and building in public. 

we share our journey through our (over)communication via
our slack comms
founder's blog
the media hub-
socials (mastodon, twitter, blueksy, threads, linkedin, tiktok)
the podcast/youtube

Though we overlap, we each have different special skillz.
Madisen is the physical representation of this project, she's your go-to for creating bespoke events,, co-opetition strategy, experimental art projects, policy and ethics discourse, long form writing and more.

Renee is best at building the digital body of The Thing. she's your go-to for organising podcast chats, connecting with the right teams, projects and tools, shorter form content, partnerships and brainstorming creative campaigns.

how can i support this project?

there are many ways to get involved and help us grow
contributor-share our content, invite guests to participate, help us grow our social media presence, or moderate our slack/youtube community.


support our nonprofit organization. all donations go directly towards events, production, and creating cool stuff for the community.

founding partner

we're exploring sponsorship opportunities for organizations that share our vision and we're exploring what this looks like (from podcast mentions, case studies, events).

what makes you different?

we're not afraid to be real and vulnerable.
we've done some cool stuff™️